NB 1: Message to students using these resources:
These Junior Cert subject resources are intended as an additional resource to assist you in your home study. They are not intended as a substitute or replacement for the ongoing work you are engaged in under the close guidance of your teachers. Please follow the direction of your individual subject teacher and use these resources as a supplement where appropriate.
NB 2: Message to teachers:
These Junior Cert subject resources are intended as an
additional resource to assist you in your important and onerous task of providing
ongoing instruction, guidance, help and support to your students during the
period of school closures and beyond. Feel free to refer your students to any
of the resources which you judge to be appropriate from time to time.
Resource | Link |
Studyclix JC Science Junior Cycle questions by topic, videos, websites and notes. | https://www.studyclix.ie/resources/junior-certificate/science |
Studyclix Flashcards: JC Science Flashcards with important keywords and definitions. Study on screen or, preferably, print off on thick card. Fold vertically down the middle so that the keyword is on the front and the definition is on the back. | https://studyclix.blob.core.windows.net/static/content/file/uploads/8/861b74e7-c33e-4936-81bc-9c1bcf2c7373.pdf |
Scoilnet JC Science Multiple resources with ‘refine search’ facility. | www.scoilnet.ie |
Educateplus.ie- JC Exam Solutions: Science CL Solutions to 2019 Ordinary Level Final Exam and 7 Sample Papers. | https://educateplus.ie/jcscience |
The Conical Flask Website covering the entire Junior Cycle course (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science), featuring experiments, notes and revision aids. | https://www.theconicalflask.ie/j-c-science |
Mr C Junior Cycle Science Comprehensive website containing notes, videos, mind maps, short questions, quizzes, mind maps, experiment videos and more. | https://www.mrcjcs.com/ |
Junior Cycle Science This resource for students has notes (and videos) on every part of the course. | http://www.thephysicsteacher.ie/ |
C4 Science YouTube channel with many videos of experiments/demonstrations performed Junior Cycle Science | https://www.youtube.com/user/c4science |