Guidance Supervision is under the chairmanship of the Teacher Education Section (TES) of the Department of Education (DE) and is administered through Monaghan Education Centre. It facilitates all guidance counsellors working in second level schools and colleges of further education in undertaking professional supervision of their guidance counselling work, and particularly their one-to-one counselling activity with students. The Institute of Guidance Counsellors organises the location and timing of the counselling support service at local level throughout the country.

The service is delivered through a series of five two-hour sessions of counselling supervision support in each academic year, by a professionally qualified Counselling Supervisor. Each guidance counsellor will therefore receive a total of ten hours supervision throughout the academic year and will be provided with an appropriate certificate of attendance at the end of May.

The DE recognises the need to support professional practice in guidance counselling, and therefore funds this supervision of guidance counselling service.

The DE circulars listed below support the provision of one-to-one guidance counselling for students in post-primary schools.

Please find below useful resources relating to Guidance Supervision

Clarification of who is eligible to attend Professional Support (Guidance Counselling Supervision) Programme for Post-Primary Guidance Counsellors

Guidelines for the Organisation of the Professional Support (Guidance Counselling Supervision) Programme for Post-Primary Guidance Counsellors 2023-2024

Considerations for the appointment of supervisors to the Professional Support for Post-Primary Guidance Counsellors (Supervision)

Problem-solving Protocol for Supervisors and Supervisees

Guidance Counselling Supervision Scheme

The Employee Assistance Service

Letter to Principals of attending Schools.

Letter to Principals of non-attending Schools.

Evaluation Report 2022-23

How to access Guidance Counselling Supervision: or ring 01 6761975

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