In light of the current situation regarding Covid-19 and the fact that Monaghan Education Centre is currently unable to schedule the delivery of the Induction Workshop Programme (IWP), NIPT has informed us that the cross-sectoral workshop Child Protection & Safety (NIPT WS10) is now accessible via 

From May 22nd, the cross-sectoral workshop Inclusion (NIPT WS13) will be accessible. 

The sector-specific Numeracy (NIPT WS11) workshop continues to be accessible for NQTs who have not yet engaged with or completed this workshop.

If you wish to access these online workshops, you should visit and register for NIPT Online Workshops.

As you are aware, the Induction Workshop Programme is a requirement for teachers with this condition outstanding on their Teaching Council Registration. To this end, teachers who complete an NIPT online workshop will have fulfilled two hours of the twenty hour requirement for professional learning aligned with the Probationary/PQE Model. A certificate of completion will be available to any teacher who completes these online workshops. 

Please note that if you have already completed the above workshops (face-to-face), you will not be credited for repeating the online version.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you well during these unprecedented times and if you have any further queries in relation to this workshop, please feel free to contact NIPT at

NQTs, please email NIPT  direct  with queries to