WRITE A Book 2022

Monaghan Education Centre’s annual Write-a-Book Project returned to schools this year after a two-year break due to the Covid 19 pandemic. This culminated in a presentation evening at The Garage Theatre in Monaghan on Thursday June 2nd. The evening was hosted by Frank Milling, Director of Monaghan Education Centre, and Wendy Flood, co-ordinator of the Project. They were ably assisted by Mary McQuaid, Mary Mullen and Seamus McQuaid. Special thanks were paid to Mary Savage of the METC who had worked on the project, but who was unable to attend the presentation evening. Thanks were also paid to the staff at The Garage Theatre.

It was great to see the theatre packed with 102 excited Merit winning children, and their proud parents and teachers.

Pupils, teachers from 15 schools across Cavan and Monaghan took part in this long-standing and popular literacy project. The project involves children in primary schools planning, writing, editing and producing their own book in class. The class teacher, and support teachers ensure that the pupils have a good understanding of good story structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. With this support, children from junior and senior infants are enabled to take control of their own story and write a book of their own choosing. Some chose to write non-fiction books about subjects of interest and expertise, some about their families or life on the farm. Adventure, historical and science fiction stories were extremely popular, and a pleasure to read.

Once the books are complete, teachers exchange batches of books to award ‘Highly Commended’ status (runner up) and ‘Merit’ (top prizes). Without the enthusiasm and dedication of the teachers, this project would not be possible to run each year.

Congratulations to the pupils at the following schools for working so hard and achieving so much in such a short time. Once you have written your own books, I hope you continue your literacy journey, and hopefully we will have some more published authors in Cavan and Monaghan in the future.

Aughnafarcon NS, Ballybay NS, Bunscoil Lughaidh Naofa, Corcaghan NS, Corcreagh NS, Corliss NS, Corracrin NS, Deravoy NS, Drumacruttin NS, East Knockbride, Kileevan NS, Magherarney NS, Monaghan Model School, Rockcorry NS, St. Comgalls NS, St.Patrick’s NS Gowna.

Write A Book Co-ordinator: Wendy Flood

Monaghan Education Centre is pleased to announce details of this year’s literacy project:

Write A Book 2021. This will follow similar lines to previous projects, with participating teachers marking books from other schools, and culminating in a presentation evening in May 2022.

‘Write a Book’ involves taking a critical look at books, creative writing, and imaginative use of art. Age-appropriate for pupils from Junior Infants to 6th Class, and accounting for all ability levels, it encourages children and teachers to develop the process writing approach in school.

Features of the Write a Book project include:

  • Planning, writing, drafting, editing, and illustrating a book on a topic of choice.
  • In Infant classes, children may work on a short picture book with less text, focusing on topics familiar to them.
  • The teacher undertaking Write a Book with their class, will work on the project as part of the class’ English and Art programmes during this period. Fiction and non-fiction books are equally viable as original works in this project, as are texts completely as gaeilge.
  • The teacher will certify that each child’s work is his/her own.
  • At the end of the project each teacher will accept one batch of books from another school. After reading the books, the teacher will award one merit and two/three highly commended awards (dependent on class size) to books they have read.
  • Each child will receive a certificate acknowledging his/her achievement in producing a book. At least one child from every class participating will be awarded a Merit Award at a special Presentation Evening.  Two/Three children from each class will have their work highly commended.
  • Merit Awards will be presented to approximately one child in every 10 who attend lessons with a Special Education Teacher.
  • Fee of €20 per teacher – maximum €60 per school, payable when registering.

Books should be entirely the children’s own work.

Neat handwriting and artistic illustrations are encouraged.

For Consideration:

“Winning” books (Merit) should be of the best quality within the age-group being judged, with an emphasis on interesting storyline, chronology, good character descriptions and interactions. Carefully considered illustrations, including an eye-catching cover should be clear features of the book’s design. All teachers should make their pupils aware of this prior to, and during the writing process, as attention to these points will be assessed during the marking process.

Please refer to the criteria listed below when writing with your class, and when assessing other class’ work to ensure consistency of marking within the project.

Infants to 2nd Class 3rd Class to 6th Class
Quality illustrations Gripping cover and blurb
Interesting story Development of storyline
Correct sentence structure Use of more complex language and sentences
Sequencing ideas and events Grammatically sound writing including consistency of tenses, correct use of punctuation


December 10th 2021 Register intent to participate in the project
March 10th 2022 Book swap day at Monaghan Education Centre 3:30 – 4:30pm prompt
Friday 8th April before Easter break  2022 All Books to be returned to Monaghan Education Centre, clearly marked as Merit/ Highly Commended/ Congratulations for participating        before 5:00pm
May 2022 Presentation Evening

Please complete and submit the registration form by December 10th 2021


Monaghan Education Centre will operate this project under the Covid19 guidelines issued by the HSE & Government which may be subject to change.